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Family Photo Project: The Beginning

My mom was the chief chronicler of family events, documenting every birthday, award ceremony, and lazy summer day with photos. She collected these into many large photo albums, complete with captions and goodies such as newspaper clippings.

Shortly before her passing several years ago, I inherited many of these albums. More…

New Job!

Last monday I started my new job as a Client Services Associate at PhotoShelter.


PhotoShelter is a really cool service that provides the tools for photographers to showcase their business online. One part CMS, one part storefront, one part… magic? Here’s how they describe themselves:

We’re the worldwide leader in photography portfolio websites, photo sales, marketing and archiving tools for photographers. With PhotoShelter you get a customizable website to show off your photography, plus a set of powerful tools that help you attract more website visitors, delight your clients, and make more money from your images. -PhotoShelter



Man I should probably incorporate lightbox into my site. It would be good for showing off the samples on my resume.


Yep. This is a no brainer. It seems like everything uses this effect for showing off images, and it’s no wonder why… it looks great and is more user-friendly than having to hit the back button. Looks a lot more professional.

Graphic Samples added to Resume

I added a little gallery to my resume. People like to see some samples, right?

My favorite by far is the pic of the Speedy Spots billboard, which went up a few weeks ago. I’m not sure I’d go as far as to call something like this “art”, but it’s still pretty awesome. I hear spots I’ve worked on all the time on radio/tv, but it’s sort of a new experience to see something you worked on go up on a 20 foot long sign by the highway.

Speedy Spots Billboard

New Photo Album

Well the last install of a PHP Photo Album went straight to hell fast. So I did a fresh install, and was much more careful in how I configured it. It still needs a lot of aesthetic tuning to make it fit into the flow of my site (as does this blog, for that matter…), but it’s a start… and it’s working at least!

Visit the new album here

Only a few photos up yet, almost none of my old stuff. Maybe that’s a good thing.
I have some more “new stuff” ready to upload this weekend.