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Wedding Blues

After hours of attempting to design a wedding website with just HTML, I’ve given up. I surrender. Even once I sorted out all of my issues with the tables to create the look I wanted, it still didn’t look… quite… that good. A little cheap and amature, to be more precise. I was trying to make something on par with the other wedding websites I’ve seen, like this one for instance. But no luck. So now I’m thinking I need to approach it differently, probably design the whole thing in Photoshop and just imagemap the the links where they need to be. I know, it’s cheating. Maybe I can find some middleground…imagemap some parts, go with a background image instead of a solid color… work something out. Either way, it’s going to mean a lot more time working in Photoshop, and with a pad and paper. Cindil’s not the hardest critic to satisfy, but she has taste and she knows if something works or not.

For now though, I’m taking a break and installing 10.5, we’ll see if a fresh install fixes my Developer problems.

WordPress Installed

Quite obviously, I’ve installed wordpress. I like the fact that I can post by email, which could be useful while travelling, or other times when I’m away from the computer. It’s free to use for private or commercial use, and can be modified in many different ways (if I want). Seems like a good way to chronicle what I’m learning as I go along. I doubt there’ll be much public interest in this, as it doesn’t really hold any info useful to anyone but myself.

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Testing HTML5 Embeds