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Minor updates

Slow day at work, made some minor style updates to the Rent section… really it’s still hideous, but I designed that whole section in about 5 minutes with a totally utilitarian view in mind, sans css, so it is what it is. Changing colors can only do so much. I do think the exterior pictures are pretty lame. I took those back in the spring, on a bleak day, before there were leaves on the trees. Looks like it’s located in a wasteland. I’ll take some new ones this weekend.

Spencer meets UNIX

Okay, so I’ve dabbled before, but now I’m really forcing myself to get used to using shell commands to operate my computer (and website). I’ve figured out SSH and SFTP. VERY USEFUL!!! Even now I’m only a little slower using shell commands to transfer and open files, but I think with practice I’ll actually be much faster than using the GUI to do so.

Okay, so aside from the above, no progress has been made to develop my site(s). But at least I’m getting some inspiration, right?

A new project

While i take a quick break from my dad’s insurance website, I’ve picked up a side project. I want to make a blog about various bits of media news.

It was entirely inspired by a sign Cindil spotted driving home. There’s a chiropractic office in Ypsi that always puts funny/random things on their sign, this night it read “Don’t let the media kill your dreams”. Of course I had to take a picture… and when I got to thinking later, that would be a marvelous title for a blog I’d been thinking about starting on media news, with my insight.

And so, I’ve purchased that domain, and I’ll be working soon on getting a very customized wordpress up and running. Maybe it was a bit spontaneous… we’ll see where it goes. At any rate, I’m just out the price of a domain name, whatever.

Back Up and Coding

$25 and a new adapter later, my laptop is back up and running, though it’s anyone’s guess as to for how long. This is all the more reason to get the most out of my time.

My dad’s “Auto Insurance Advice” website is in its testing phase… definitely alpha, but coming along. I’m using PHP to save me a few steps, and CSS (of course). With PHP, I don’t even really need a seperate style sheet; I have the styles built into every page. So far, I haven’t seen how this could backfire.

I’m trying my best to keep my code extremely clean and presentable. This being my first ‘commercial’ project, I’d like the quality to be at a level worthy of inclusion in a portfolio. When it gets a little further along to a ‘beta’ pre-release stage, I’ll add it to the projects list. Hopefully within the week?

Hardware Setbacks

I finally get a website and my computer dies. My laptop won’t charge, I believe the DC connector on the Sound/DC-In board is just worn out (it’s been a long time coming). To replace it (or the whole board) involves removing just about everything inside my poor old Powerbook… keyboard, logic board, heatsinks, speakers, modem, wifi, expansion slot, etc. A new Sound/DC-In board runs $99 plus S/H. So my frankenstein workaround involves stealing the DC connector off an old Powerbook (died in a house fire) and soldering it onto my existing board… I’m not very good at soldering, so the odds that this will work are optimistically 50-50. Then if(when) that fails, I can just order a new board and throw that in.

In the mean time, my fiance has been letting me use her Inspiron when she’s not using it for schoolwork. My brother will be loaning me a clamshell iBook soon to help me whether the storm too. It’s amazing the battery life those things get.

At any rate, I probably won’t be back up and running on my system for another week or two… or three… so it may be a little while until I really get back to working on the site.