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New Photo Album

Well the last install of a PHP Photo Album went straight to hell fast. So I did a fresh install, and was much more careful in how I configured it. It still needs a lot of aesthetic tuning to make it fit into the flow of my site (as does this blog, for that matter…), but it’s a start… and it’s working at least!

Visit the new album here

Only a few photos up yet, almost none of my old stuff. Maybe that’s a good thing.
I have some more “new stuff” ready to upload this weekend.


Well! I’ve added a photo album to the site. Check it out here.

I got the free code from Neat little service, though it can be a little goofy. I’ve only just begun customizing it, there’s still much to do. Over the next few days I’ll try and plug any holes I find in the code, eliminating things I don’t need.

And, I got a Nikon D40, a hand-me-down from Cindil’s dad. Having a professional level camera could definitely open some doors.

Also, I bought a good php book, and am reading through it. Sound like a good start?


So… this whole “make a website and play around learning php” thing would be a LOT easier if my computer was more… operable. I need a new screen. Working on borrowed machines is tedious and unproductive.

Minor updates

Slow day at work, made some minor style updates to the Rent section… really it’s still hideous, but I designed that whole section in about 5 minutes with a totally utilitarian view in mind, sans css, so it is what it is. Changing colors can only do so much. I do think the exterior pictures are pretty lame. I took those back in the spring, on a bleak day, before there were leaves on the trees. Looks like it’s located in a wasteland. I’ll take some new ones this weekend.

Spencer meets UNIX

Okay, so I’ve dabbled before, but now I’m really forcing myself to get used to using shell commands to operate my computer (and website). I’ve figured out SSH and SFTP. VERY USEFUL!!! Even now I’m only a little slower using shell commands to transfer and open files, but I think with practice I’ll actually be much faster than using the GUI to do so.

Okay, so aside from the above, no progress has been made to develop my site(s). But at least I’m getting some inspiration, right?