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Graphic Samples added to Resume

I added a little gallery to my resume. People like to see some samples, right?

My favorite by far is the pic of the Speedy Spots billboard, which went up a few weeks ago. I’m not sure I’d go as far as to call something like this “art”, but it’s still pretty awesome. I hear spots I’ve worked on all the time on radio/tv, but it’s sort of a new experience to see something you worked on go up on a 20 foot long sign by the highway.

Speedy Spots Billboard

Local Installation of WP

Another hour, another small step forward. Tonight I installed WP locally so I can practice theme development. I installed it to the root folder of my MAMP setup. Then I decided I really wanted it under a subdirectory, in case I wanted to add more installs later. NO DICE! WordPress is made very unhappy if you try to do that. So then I followed the step-by-step on the WP Codex for the proper method of moving to a new directory… and no luck. Tried several times, had to keep manually editing the database to reset it after each failure. So, for now I’m just going to work with it as is, and maybe at some point in the future I’ll figure the rest of it out.



MAMP is my friend :)


Happiness is a Warm Blog

Finally updated the blog at my work today… feels good to get back into the habit. Part of that was fixing a css error our professional web design company missed. Okay, to be fair, maybe they had just intended things to look differently, but if that’s the case, then I say poor taste. Which is kind of harsh of me, considering these guys, in general, are fantastic. Really.

Back in the Saddle

Hey! Some great news. Finally got the new computer, loaded with all the software I need. And the DSL is flying.

So I’ve begun doing some maintenance here… updating my WP installs, making some small design changes to the blogs, etc. I suppose that’s step one, tweaks to The photo album needs skinning, and perhaps I’ll do a skin for this WP blog that meshes with the layout found on the home/resume pages.
