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MAMP is my friend :)


Happiness is a Warm Blog

Finally updated the blog at my work today… feels good to get back into the habit. Part of that was fixing a css error our professional web design company missed. Okay, to be fair, maybe they had just intended things to look differently, but if that’s the case, then I say poor taste. Which is kind of harsh of me, considering these guys, in general, are fantastic. Really.


Alright, this should help! Just activated Akismet on my blogs:

“A plugin which identifies and blocks comment and trackback spam on blogs with integration to various blogging systems.” –

Back in the Saddle

Hey! Some great news. Finally got the new computer, loaded with all the software I need. And the DSL is flying.

So I’ve begun doing some maintenance here… updating my WP installs, making some small design changes to the blogs, etc. I suppose that’s step one, tweaks to The photo album needs skinning, and perhaps I’ll do a skin for this WP blog that meshes with the layout found on the home/resume pages.


New Photo Album

Well the last install of a PHP Photo Album went straight to hell fast. So I did a fresh install, and was much more careful in how I configured it. It still needs a lot of aesthetic tuning to make it fit into the flow of my site (as does this blog, for that matter…), but it’s a start… and it’s working at least!

Visit the new album here

Only a few photos up yet, almost none of my old stuff. Maybe that’s a good thing.
I have some more “new stuff” ready to upload this weekend.