Getting Closer
Q: Why no updates since February?
A: Nothing has changed in my computer situation since February.
Q: Why does that matter?
A: It’s kinda hard to develop websites without one. I’m too busy at work to do anything personal on the computers there. And borrowed laptops limit my access to the tools I need.
Q: So is this just how it’s gonna be?
A: Yes- but only for a couple (ok… maybe few) more months! Fingers crossed on the cash-flow thing, but assuming the rug isn’t pulled out from under me, I should have a brand new MacBook Pro in October, and I’ll be hitting the ground running. Then I can make updates to this site, other sites, and resume my education in PHP.
Until then, here’s something unrelated I’m working on. It’s the Information Delivery system (ie network) I’ll be installing in my home. Signing up for some reliable DSL soon, and I have most of the components otherwise. The idea is to have everything connected and easy to access for wife and guests.

Information Delivery Network