Spencer Ponte Blog

Back in the Saddle

Hey! Some great news. Finally got the new computer, loaded with all the software I need. And the DSL is flying.

So I’ve begun doing some maintenance here… updating my WP installs, making some small design changes to the blogs, etc. I suppose that’s step one, tweaks to spencerponte.com. The photo album needs skinning, and perhaps I’ll do a skin for this WP blog that meshes with the layout found on the home/resume pages.

Next? A LONG overdue redesign of my dad’s site, mycarinsuranceguide.net. Oh yeah. LONG overdue. Although I’m not sure he’ll want to renew his site in a couple months, he’s mostly retired now, so it’s probably a waste of money for him.

And then what’s the future? Well, hopefully as I get good at designing WP-based sites, I’d like to begin making sites for other people, or local businesses. I think this would be a great thing for barter!